Friday, October 30, 2009


Tropic Thunder writer, Etan Cohen, has been hired by Columbia Pictures to write a new Men In Black film. Neither director Barry Sonnenfield or stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have signed onto the film yet, but more than Likely Smith and Jones will return.

I'm not against a third MIB movie. The second one was a disaster, but I think they could have a really good film. Will Smith has a lot on his plate coming up, with a prequel to I Am Legend, Bad Boys 3 and Hancock 2. Also, IMDB has 24 in develpoment projects listed for him.

I'm really liking how Thor is turning out cast wise. Hopkins will be playing Odin, the father of Thor. He will be joining Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Robert DeNiro and Jude Law.

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Monday, October 5, 2009


The sixth season of Entourage ended last night and even though this season didn't center around Vince trying to get a movie, it was one of the best seasons yet. This is by far one of the best shows on television. The writing is great and there isn't a single bad actor on the show. Ari Gold will end up being one of the greatest tv characters of all time. This show is as close to perfect as it gets and for that it gets a 5 out of 5.

Horrible. This show takes everything it can think of and stretches it way beyond belief. Even though the cast is pretty recognizable, the writers make the characters so stupid and so unbelievable, that it is painful to watch. This series jumped the shark after four minutes with it's big explosions and "I don't care" character attitude. I'll be nice and give this show a 1.5 out of 5.

The Middle is a lot like Malcom in the Middle. It stars Patricia Heaton and Neil Flynn as two middle class parents trying to raise three completely different kids. This is your typical sitcom, but it works and I liked it, which I was expecting not to. This show had solid ratings, but could struggle on down the road. I hope it lasts at least a season, because I think there is potential here. I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

I thought Trauma was bad until I watched the first fifteen minutes of Hank. Hank stars Kelsey Grammar as a millionaire who has to start over when he is fired from his own company. The first five minutes of this show, was honestly some of the worst television I have ever seen. The writing is horrible, the actors are terrible. One thing I noticed also was how bad the sets for the show were. Some scenes didn't look real at all. This gets a 0 out of 5.

The first season of this show was horrible, but it was only six episodes long. I thought maybe with a whole summer to get a good season together that it would improve. It did not. The show is an exact copy of The Office. It is in no way funny and all you do is sit there and compare it to The Office. Unlike The Office, all the characters are annoying and not funny, and the story lines are stupid. Just look at the picture here, it even looks stupid. The show will not last the season. I give it a 1 out of 5.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Michael Bay announced that production on Transformers 3 began today and will not be released in 2012 but 2011. He said the story is great (yeah right) and he had a five hour meeting with ILM this morning.

Oh yeah, he also had this to say on his website...

"P.S. Megan Fox, welcome back. I promise no alien robots will harm you in any way during the production of this motion picture. Please consult your Physician when working under my direction because some side effects can occur, such as mild dizziness, intense nausea, suicidal tendencies, depression, minor chest hair growth, random internal hemorrhaging and inability to sleep. As some directors may be hazardous to your health, please consult your Doctor to determine if this is right for you.

Pain and Gain is right after shooting of Trans 3.


That's pretty funny if you ask me. Hopefully that will keep her out of the film. Then that will be one less crappy thing to watch. I'm also pretty disappointed Bay is returning. I was really hoping they could end this crapfest on a good note. Bay does get some cool points in my book though for his little message to Fox.

Jamie Foxx has joined the Todd Phillips comedy Due Date. He plays Robert Downey Jr.'s best friend who is with him when he has to hitch a ride with Zack Galafanakis's character in order to get to the birth of his child on time. Michelle Monaghan plays Downey's pregnant wife and use to be lover of Foxx.

This sounds like it's coming together very nicely. I am big fans of everyone involved with this film and can't wait to see a trailer.

Quentin Tarantino announced on a latin talk show that he plans on making Kill Bill 3 ten years after the first one was released. He said that he wanted to do it ten years apart so "the bride" could have a nice break between everything she went through.

I would much rather see something new from him or a spinoff of Inglorious Bastards. I'm not opposed to a third Kill Bill, I liked the first two, I would just rather see something else.

Hugh Jackman is in talks to star in Real Steel. The film is about an ex fighter who becomes a promoter when boxing is outlawed due to the violence. Instead 2,000 lb. robots with human qualities take over as the fighters.

This sounds like it has the potential to be a very stupid movie. Dreamworks is doing it with Spielberg and Zemeckis attached to produce so who knows.

The first official picture from the Tina Fey and Steve Carrell film, Date Night was released today. Date Night follows their characters as their typical date night takes a turn for the worst. Mark Whalberg, James Franco, Common, and Kristen Wiig all co-star.

This is another movie I am looking forward to. Once again, I love everyone in the cast and it could really turn out to be a great comedy.