Thursday, January 14, 2010


Ivan Reitman told MTV News yesterday that he will come back to direct the third Ghostbusters film.

He said that the first draft has been turned in and that they are working on a second draft.

Ivan has really fell off with his quality of films in my opinion. I think that if anyone should direct, it should be his brother. He has proven to make great comedies with Thank You For Smoking, Juno, and Up In the Air. Hopefully he can knock this one out of the park because he needs to with this one.

Jurassic Park 3 director Joe Johnston is on the road promoting his upcoming film The Wolfman. While doing an interview he gave an update to his next film, Captain America and gave some interesting news involving the Jurassic Park franchise. Here is what he had to say:

"Well, there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it's going to be unlike anything you've seen. It breaks away from the first three—it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way. That's pretty much all I can tell you."

I'm really intrigued by this comment. However, I do not think Joe Johnston is a very good director. I think Spielberg needs to get highly involved with these films and really deliver a great movie which I believe Spielberg has failed to do recently. Oh, and Jeff Goldblum better be in all three.

With Sony ditching the old crew and bringing in a new one, the search has begun for a director. Right now 500 Days of Summer director, Marc Webb, has reportedly become the front runner. Apparently Sony does have a wish list which includes James Cameron, David Fincher and Wes Anderson.

Back in the 90's, Cameron had an idea for a Spider-Man film and it never got moving in the right direction. Now could be the time he could finally tackle it. I do not think that Marc Webb has the experience to handle a big time action film like Spider-Man.

Lionsgate has reportedly offered 15 million dollars to take over the Terminator rights from Halcyon.

Lionsgate could be a good home for Terminator. Lionsgate has no problem with churning out rated R films, which I believe is what the Terminator franchise needs to be.

Paramount is in the works of developing a sequel to the 05' film Four Brothers. The film starred Mark Wahlberg, Andre Johnson, and Terrance Howard. The film will be titled, you guessed it, Five Brothers. There is no plot for the film as of right now.

This is a dumb idea. The movie was ok, but certainly doesn't warrant a sequel.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I'm just going to copy and paste the BS article I just read. After the article I will begin my rant and rave over one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Here we go.

Peter Parker is going back to high school when the next Spider-Man hits theaters in the summer of 2012.

Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios announced today they are moving forward with a film based on a script by James Vanderbilt that focuses on a teenager grappling with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises.

The new chapter in the "Spider-Man" franchise produced by Columbia, Marvel Studios and Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin, will have a new cast and filmmaking team. Spider-Man 4 was to have been released in 2011, but had not yet gone into production.

"A decade ago we set out on this journey with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire and together we made three 'Spider-Man' films that set a new bar for the genre. When we began, no one ever imagined that we would make history at the box-office and now we have a rare opportunity to make history once again with this franchise. Peter Parker as an ordinary young adult grappling with extraordinary powers has always been the foundation that has made this character so timeless and compelling for generations of fans. We're very excited about the creative possibilities that come from returning to Peter's roots and we look forward to working once again with Marvel Studios, Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin on this new beginning," said Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

"Working on the 'Spider-Man' movies was the experience of a lifetime for me. While we were looking forward to doing a fourth one together, the studio and Marvel have a unique opportunity to take the franchise in a new direction, and I know they will do a terrific job," said Sam Raimi.

"We have had a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration and friendship with Sam and Tobey and they have given us their best for the better part of the last decade. This is a bittersweet moment for us because while it is hard to imagine Spider-Man in anyone else's hands, I know that this was a day that was inevitable," said Matt Tolmach, president of Columbia Pictures, who has served as the studio's chief production executive since the beginning of the franchise. "Now everything begins anew, and that's got us all tremendously excited about what comes next. Under the continuing supervision of Avi and Laura, we have a clear vision for the future of Spider-Man and can't wait to share this exciting new direction with audiences in 2012."

"'Spider-Man' will always be an important franchise for Sony Pictures and a fresh start like this is a responsibility that we all take very seriously," said Michael Lynton, Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures. "We have always believed that story comes first and story guides the direction of these films and as we move onto the next chapter, we will stay true to that principle and will do so with the highest respect for the source material and the fans and moviegoers who deserve nothing but the best when it comes to bringing these stories and characters to life on the big screen."

The studio will have more news about Spider-Man in 2012 in the coming weeks as it prepares for production of the film.

Ok, so your telling me that after almost ten years they are going to start all over with Spider-Man. This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. I personally do not want to have to start over with Peter Parker in high school, see the origin story all over again. That is why I went and watched the first Spider-Man.

Obviously, Sony and Raimi coulndn't agree on where to take the film, so Sony decided to act like a bunch of idiots and ditch the guy that made them almost a billion dollars from three films.

If they want to get another director that is one thing. I don't agree with it, but I'm also just a guy with a blog who has like six loyal readers. But don't start the whole damn thing over again. We already have a perfectly fine storyline set. I don't want to see Parker in high school again, I don't want to see the Green Goblin again, I don't want to have to put up with the drama between Mary Jane and Parker again.

Apparently this script by Jamie Vanderbilt has been around for a while and Sony had been planning on screwing Raimi the whole time from the way I see it. I think this is a horrible move by Sony and from the message boards so far every single fan of this franchise agrees. If I want to watch a super hero struggle with being a teen, superhero, boyfriend and student I'll go watch the CW thank you very much.

Friday, January 8, 2010


The new year has started off slow as far as movie news goes, but today there are a lot of interesting stories, so hopefully good movie news will keep pouring in.

Bill Paxton has pitched a sequel idea to producer Kathleen Kennedy about doing a sequel to the 1996 hit Twister. Not only that he wants the film to be done in 3D.

I'm a fan of the original film and on one side I really don't think we need a sequel to Twister. On the other hand I wouldn't be opposed to it. I mean it could be cool, you know flying cows in 3D, c'mon.

Spider-Man 4 has officially been put on halt. They are still working on the third rewrite of the script and Pirates 4 and Thor have came in and scooped up the May 5, 2009 spot. Reports say that the studio is butting heads with Rami about who the villain will be as well. Rami wants The Vulture and the studio wants something else.

Look it is this simple. If you can't get a script together and if you can't agree on what direction to take the film, don't do the film!!! Either shelve it for a little while and stop talking about it or don't do it. Sam Rami didn't want to do the Venom storyline and the studio made him do it anyway and it turned out to be a piece of crap. Now I'm not thrilled about a Vulture villain, but let the man make his movie or else find a different director and possibly lose the franchise forever. Sony says that it does not need to change the release date for May 5, 2011 but if I was them I would because right now I'm thinking Pirates 4 and Thor will kick it's butt at the rate it's going.

Personally what I would like to see is taking this franchise in a darker direction for this new series of films. Carnage, The Lizard and maybe even giving Venom a second shot would be great ideas I think. Here are some cool fan posters I found online for the fourth film.

Weren't crazy about the first G.I. Joe movie? Hopefully that will change with the sequel. Paramount is looking at nabbing Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. They are currently working on a sequel to Zombieland and Deadpool so this will give them a full plate.

I liked Joe, I know it was a very mixed film but to me it was fun. Adding these guys into the mix will probably bring the quality of the film up another level.

I hate hearing this phrase used, but it does look like Cameron is "king of the world". He now has the highest and second highest grossing films of all time. I think it is safe to say Cameron can do whatever he wants now.....and I hope it's good.

Producer Mike De Luca gave a small update on Ghost Rider 2's development. He said that director Mark Steven Johnson is not coming back (good), Eva Mendes is not returning to play Roxanne Simpson (good), The title will most likely be Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (stupid), might be done in 3D, will be like starting over, and David Goyer might direct which would be a plus for it.

What they need to do is kick Nick Cage to the curb because he is horrible.

James Cameron briefly announced that a sequel will be done for Avatar. When asked, he simply said "Yes, there'll be another." He said that "some story ideas for how to branch out into the other moons of Polyphemus [the giant planet that Pandora orbits], we gotta make some money with this one before we think about the sequel!"

I'm all for another film. I want to see more of the moons he mentioned. The forest stuff was cool but I hope he gives us something different with the next one.

Hugh Jackman announced that a sequel to Wolverine will start filming in in 2011. He didn't give much details on the film, just that they were headed to Japan for this one.

They really need to get this one right. I think that Fox is in danger of losing this X-Men franchise. It just blows my mind the stupid decisions that get made over at that studio.

Paramount revealed that Star Trek 2 will be released June 29, 2012. J.J. and the cast will return but other than that, nothing else is known.

Blake Lively has been cast as Carol Ferris, Hal Jordan's love interest in Warner Brothers upcoming film Green Lantern.

I don't have a problem with Lively, but I was hoping for more high caliber names since Warner Bros. is trying to launch their DC franchise off the ground. I'm sure she will be fine, I have liked her in the movies I have seen, but I was hoping for a bigger name.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW: Daybreakers

The year is 2019 and vampires are now ninety-five percent of the Earth’s population. The vampires act as humans. They have jobs, they drive cars and have homes. But when their blood supplies begin to vanish, they begin turning into nightmarish creatures. If a blood substitute is not found soon, both the vampires and the human race could become extinct forever. Luckily, one human holds the answer.

I have been really sick of the whole vampire craze since the Twilight books have came out. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing them. They are overpopulating books, clothes, television and are being overdone in theatres. Luckily, Daybreakers takes us away from the “attractive” vampire fling and takes us back to how vampires have always been depicted.
The film is the Spiereg brother’s first major film and they handle it very well. They do not try to get flashy with loads of special effects or over-the-top action sequences. Instead, they do what most movies these days forget to do, concentrate on the story.

What is great about the film, is that they give us a new, unique idea. Ethan Hawke and William Defoe star in this film that answers the question, what happens when all the blood is gone. Ethan Hawke stars as Edward, a vampire scientist searching for a blood substitute. He was turned into a vampire against his will and has always been friendly towards them. After an encounter with a group of humans, they recruit him to help them repopulate the human race. Once he meets with the group he encounters Lionel. Lionel was once a vampire, but after he has a bad encounter with sunlight, he was transformed back into a human form. It is now up to him and Edward to find a cure before the Earth is tormented by the vampire creatures.
Any fan of the horror or thriller genre should be happy with the outcome of this film. It doesn’t distract you with effects or overdone action, but draws you into the story. There is a considerable amount of gore, so if your not into that you might want to steer clear but I think Daybreakers starts the year off in a good direction leaving behind a not so great 2009 in film. I give this a 4 out of 5.