Thursday, January 7, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW: Daybreakers

The year is 2019 and vampires are now ninety-five percent of the Earth’s population. The vampires act as humans. They have jobs, they drive cars and have homes. But when their blood supplies begin to vanish, they begin turning into nightmarish creatures. If a blood substitute is not found soon, both the vampires and the human race could become extinct forever. Luckily, one human holds the answer.

I have been really sick of the whole vampire craze since the Twilight books have came out. It seems you can’t go anywhere without seeing them. They are overpopulating books, clothes, television and are being overdone in theatres. Luckily, Daybreakers takes us away from the “attractive” vampire fling and takes us back to how vampires have always been depicted.
The film is the Spiereg brother’s first major film and they handle it very well. They do not try to get flashy with loads of special effects or over-the-top action sequences. Instead, they do what most movies these days forget to do, concentrate on the story.

What is great about the film, is that they give us a new, unique idea. Ethan Hawke and William Defoe star in this film that answers the question, what happens when all the blood is gone. Ethan Hawke stars as Edward, a vampire scientist searching for a blood substitute. He was turned into a vampire against his will and has always been friendly towards them. After an encounter with a group of humans, they recruit him to help them repopulate the human race. Once he meets with the group he encounters Lionel. Lionel was once a vampire, but after he has a bad encounter with sunlight, he was transformed back into a human form. It is now up to him and Edward to find a cure before the Earth is tormented by the vampire creatures.
Any fan of the horror or thriller genre should be happy with the outcome of this film. It doesn’t distract you with effects or overdone action, but draws you into the story. There is a considerable amount of gore, so if your not into that you might want to steer clear but I think Daybreakers starts the year off in a good direction leaving behind a not so great 2009 in film. I give this a 4 out of 5.

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