Wednesday, May 26, 2010


MacGruber started out as a thirty second sketch on Saturday Night Live and is now the latest skit to get it's own live action film. The film stars Will Forte, Kristin Wiig, Ryan Phillipe and Val Kilmer, and is a spoof of the 80's series MacGyver.

The goal of the film was to spoof the 80's action film genre. They failed on every level. Putting 80's music, clothes and dialouge in the film isn't enough to try and pull off a spoof. What the film lacked was both a script and talent.

We'll start with the script. Throwing in a bunch of foul language does not make a film funny, especially if the lines don't even make sense. I'm not offended by language in films and I do think that if done right, from time to time it can make a line funnier. But when it is every sentence and it sounds like an eight year old is the one talking it gets really old, really quick. But it isn't just the dialogue that fails on every level, but the writing for the film does as well. It looked like an immature thirteen year old wrote the script.

The story also takes from different 80's film's plots. MacGruber is an ex-special operative who retires after Kilmer's character kills his bride at their wedding. He then runs off to a village where he helps build a town and mentor kids. When Kilmer's character steals a nuclear bomb with intentions of destroying Washington D.C., he is asked to return to help stop the crisis.

Finally we get to the cast. I really feel sorry for Ryan Phillipe on this one. I don't know what happened that caused him to fall into this film, but I think he has talent and it really gave him a bad name being in this film. The other big name, Val Kilmer, did a good enough job considering what he had to work with. However, Kilmer's roles have been getting worse and worse ever since Batman Forever came out. Then we have Will Forte, who has never been in a good movie and Kristin Wiig who gives the same exact performance in everything she does. These guys are on Saturday Night Live for a reason. They are funny (sometimes), but only in four minute sketches. Neither of these guys belonged getting leading roles in anything, especially Forte.

This movie is not funny, it's not entertaining and children have no business being around it. This is officially the first flop of the summer and I give it a 0 out of 5.

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