Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Man, am I glad that this summer is over with. This summer has not felt like your typical blockbuster summer at the movies. But there were some gems in a huge pile of what I thought to be a summer filled with crap films. We will start with the worst of the summer.


5. Splice

I was really hoping this film would be good, and while I think it had potential, in the end it was all gore and bore. Dren, the monster, wasn't a very good character in my opinion. The film was supposed to make you feel bad for her and be emotionally attache, but I never really cared about her. All that along with a silly ending ended up being a short lived box office stay with Splice.

4. Knight and Day

By far the worst Tom Cruise movie I have ever seen. Stupid story that barely had a plot, completely unbelievable action sequences, horrible dialogue along with a horrible performance by everyone involved. Another swing and a miss by Fox. They are getting good at those.

3. MacGrubber
Sorry Noe, but this film just didn't land with me. To me the comedy was almost like the spoof movies that have been rolling out the past couple years. Besides Val Kilmer, nothing about this film was funny. Once again, terrible dialogue, a sex scene with a ghost, and a bunch of missed jokes was enough for me to want to walk out.

2. Jonah Hex

I could go on all day about how DC Comics doesn't have anyone intelligent running their film department. Warner Bros. are just as guilty as well. Do they try out a Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman or even a Cyborg movie.....nope, they do Jonah Hex. Then they go after Megan Fox, who whether you find her attractive or not, is a terrible actor with a terrible personality to match. The film wasn't even a hour and a half long, so how could could you take it as a serious film?

and the winner for worst film of summer 2010 is............

1. Killers

I love every chance I get to bash Katherine Heigl, and nothing gives me more pleasure than giving her movie the worst of the summer award. First off it's a ripoff of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Ashton Kutcher is about as believable as an action star as Clint Eastwood is as a comedian. The movie was horrible, filled with forced comedy, terrible "action" scenes and horrible dialogue. "Let's just say I work for the blank and they gave me a license to blank". Genius writing right there. Just look at the poster for this film with Heigl's stupid smile on her face. I could have told you this would have been the worst by the poster alone. Congrats Killers, you earned it.

As I said, there were some gems this summer. I will admit that two out of these five films, I wasn't even that crazy about but since there was slim picking I went with what was fun.


5. Predators

Was this film great, no. But it was a huge step in the right direction as to where this franchise needs to go. The performances were great and believable and it had some pretty good action scenes for a film with a small budget. I am now convinced Adrien Brody can play an action star and I hope to see this franchise continue with him for at least one more film.

4. The A-Team

I never thought at the beginning of the summer I would put The A-Team as my number 4 film of the summer. But, it was a ton of fun. Now let me clear something up so it doesn't sound like I am contradicting myself. Knight and Day and The A-Team both had unbelievable action sequences, I realize this. But The A-Team was not trying to be serious about it. Their motto was how they specialize in the ridiculous and how they have these crazy plans so that it would be more believable. The film didn't take itself to seriously and I liked that.

3. Toy Story 3

Pixar is year in and year out top summer films. The same is with Toy Story 3. The story was a little repetitive of the past two films, but it was great regardless. Michael Keaton was a great addition to this cast. I am a little disappointed that the next three Pixar films will be sequels. I don't care much about Cars 2 and I have been wanting to see Monsters Inc. 2 for a while, but what Pixar specializes in is the original ideas.

2. Iron Man 2

Robert Downey Jr. somehow topped his performance from the first film. Jon Favreau matched the level of action and the end result was great. Sequels often don't live up to the original, but this was right on par with the first. The only disappointment was the under use of Mickey Rourke.

And the number one summer film of 2010 is..............

1. Inception

I don't think this film is over hyped at all. The fact that original ideas can still come from Hollywood blows my mind. All Hollywood wants to do right now is remake movies or make a thousand sequels until the franchise is ran into the ground. Inception is by far the most original movie and as Robert Downey Jr. the most ambitious movie I have seen in the past few years. Great performances all around and an amazing story. If we could get at least five movies a year of this quality I would be happy. Well done Mr. Nolan.

So now that this crap crap summer is over, we can look forward to the next two, which are filled with big named movies.


  1. Just wondering if you did actually see the Heigl movie..cos there was definitely way worse this summer. Or did you just decide it was 'cos you don't like her? It was nothing like Mr and Mrs Smith...Heigl's character wasn't a secret agent. Definitely a True Lies rip off though. It certainly wasn't a classic but it was fun and there was some really wretched stuff you have missed off the list.

  2. I hated the movie. Not just because I hate Heigel but because to me it was terrible, stupid, no charm, and not believable as in I didn't believe the characters. They didn't sell me. Now everyone has their own opinion and that's cool. I just really hated this film more than any film this summer. What would your top five be?
