Thursday, April 15, 2010


I have heard a lot of people say recently that they will believe an Avengers film is coming out when they see it. Well, I assure you that it is coming, and this is a project that has been at the top of my list since Marvel laid out their big plan a few years back. It is very hard to bring multiple superheros together in a film and pull it off successfully. Brian Singer did it with the first two X-Men, but then we saw how quickly it can go south when Brett Ratner took over with the third film. I am happy to say that The Avengers is quickly making it's way to the big screen and you can expect it to be great and here is why.

1. Joss Whedon
If you are going to try and pull something like this off, you can't just go out and get any director. You need to find someone who is proven and has a passion for what they are bringing to the screen. With Whedon, while he may not have much experience with film, he has a lot of experience with television. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly are all great shows that he has been behind, and his film Serenity was a very underrated film. What is special about Whedon is that he can take a small budget and turn it into something amazing. There will be no small budget with this film, so I can't wait to see what he does when he finally gets a big budget. Secondly, Whedon has a passion and knowledge for comics. Whedon has wrote several different comic book stories, including The Astonishing X-Men which got very good reviews and won several awards. Whether Thor and Captain America turn out to be good, remains to be seen, but whether they are good or not has nothing to do with the quality that The Avengers is going to be. Whedon knows his stuff when it comes to the Marvel universe so this is a film that you need to start getting excited about.

2. The Cast
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Samuel L. Jackson have all officially signed on for the film. This doesn't even include the possibility of Edward Norton returning as The Hulk, Don Cheadle as War Machine, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts and Anthony Hopkins as Odin. PLUS....we still have to find us some villains for the film, and I don't think they will go out and get a bunch of nobodies to play the villains. So right there is at least six Oscar nominees coming together for one film.

3. The Budget
We have seen time and time again, that just because something has a big budget doesn't mean that it will be great (MICHAEL BAY I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU). I truly believe that in this case it does. If you put money into film for quality purposes, you are going to get well worth your money back and Avatar proved that perfectly. Not saying it is the best film on Earth, but it had the best effects I have ever seen and that was because they used the money in the right spots. Marvel wants this movie to be a hit, they want this film to be the biggest film of all time. I want this film to be the biggest of all time. And if this is done right, I think it can be.

This film has all the keys for success and if they drop the ball with it I will be shocked and severely depressed. So go ahead and mark your calendars for May 4, 2012 because this is going to be a film you are not going to want to miss.

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