Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Steve Carrell and Tina Fey have both had careers that have just been getting bigger and bigger in the past ten years. Carrell started out as an anchor for The Daily show, then got some small roles in films like Anchorman. Then in 2005 a little show called The Office started with Carrell as the star and that summer he starred in the breakaway hit 40 Year Old Virgin. Tina Fey started out as a writer for SNL. Then she got hired on as an actress for it, and wound up starring in 30 Rock and her first starring role in Baby Mamma. So naturally it would only make since to pair them up for a film together.

Date Night pairs the two up as Claire and Phil Foster, a married couple who like many fall into the same boring habits and lose a spark to their relationship. After hearing of a friend's divorce, they decide to go out and have a real date night for once. While on their date, they pose as a fake couple to get a table, which causes them to get mixed up in a huge conspiracy involving New York's District Attorney, members of NYPD and a local mob. Mark Whalberg, James Franco, Ray Liota and Mila Kunis co-star.

First let me say how great the chemistry between Carrell and Fey is. I wouldn't mind seeing these two star in more films together. They pulled off their relationship one hundred percent. That is probably the best part of the film. The cast is one of the most important things to me when I'm watching a film. If I can't enjoy the characters, then I am definitely not going to enjoy the film. Besides Fey and Carrell, I enjoyed the rest of the cast as well. Wahlberg, Franco and Kunis all had very small roles in the film, but they made sure that they did the most with what little screen time they had.

As for the film, it was simply just ok. I kept waiting for funny things to happen, and there just wasn't much humor in the film. Had Tina Fey wrote the film, I think it would probably have been much funnier, but I never really found myself cracking up. The funniest parts of the film is where Carrell and Fey are clearly adlibing their scenes. Now that doesn't mean that this is not a good film, it just wasn't a very funny film. I will say that my fiance and several other women were cracking up throughout the whole film, so this is something women may be more interested in.

Date Night is a mildly amusing film. It keeps you entertained throughout, with a few laughs along the way, but in the end is a pretty forgettable film. It's pretty disappointing, because I think this had the potential to be something special. I give it a three out of five


  1. I was disappointed in this movie. I think I liked even less than you did. Steve Carrell and Tina Fey are very talented comedians and didn't have a lot to work with here.

  2. Yeah I didn't find it funny at all really. It entertained me for an hour and a half, and now I have forgotten all about it.
