Saturday, July 3, 2010


Eclipse is the third film in the Twilight saga. This time around, there isn't quite as much whining between Edward the vampire and Jacob the wolf as to who loves Bella more, but still enough to make you want to bash your brains out. The main storyline in this one is Gloria, the girlfriend of the vampire they killed in the first one, is building an army of "newborn" vampires to kill Bella in order to get her vengeance.

I'm pretty much going to go over the same stuff I went over in my New Moon review, because honestly, not a lot changed from that film to this one. We'll start off with miss Kristen Stewart. She better save every penny she makes off of these films, because the girl can't act. She comes off as socially awkward in real life as she does up on the big screen. A monotone voice with a brush of hair over her ear may win her a bunch of MTV Movie awards now, but if she doesn't gain a personality in real life, that is all she will ever get.

Then we have Taylor Lautner. He is even more terrible in this film than he was the last. Granted, it's not his fault he got dealt all the cheesy lines from a terrible writer, but just his presence on screen seems like a big joke.

What I don't understand is how all of the minor characters like Billy Burke who plays Bella's father and and Academy Award nominee, Anna Kendrick who plays Bella's best friend are so much more talented than the stars of the film. I would have much rather watched Kendrick play Bella.

It baffles me as to why these things are such a phenomenon with girls. As I'm watching the films, the last two in particular, I'm thinking to myself how the story plays out like all the characters are in middle school. I mean I get why middle schoolers would love this but grown women???? The constant arguing back and forth between Jacob and Edward is laughable in a pathetic way. I truly hope that everyone looks back on these films in five or ten years and wonders just what the heck they were thinking when they liked this stuff.

Eclipse was certainly a step up from New Moon, but far, far, far from being a good movie. The whole movie is building up to this big battle where Edward's family and the werewolves fight these "newblood" vampires, but it is over just as quick as it starts. They could have at least stretched it out a little longer for the male audience. We have three down and only two more to go and then we can let this thing end finally. I give it a three out of ten.

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