Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In an interview, Frank Miller revealed the plot for the prequel to 300. Here is what he said:

"The film will be titled “Xerxes,” which begins about 10 years before the events of “300,” and Snyder has expressed interest in it as a film property as well. “It’s the battle of Marathon through my lens,” Miller said Wednesday. “I’ve finished the plot and I’m getting started on the artwork.”

Apparently the "Battle of Marathon" is the first major failure by the Persians to invade Greece and the rise of Xerxes who then led the second invasion. The Battle of Thermopylae, seen in first 300 film.

I was hoping for something a little different than this, but this could turn out ok I guess. Snyder knows what he is doing when it comes to graphic novels.

With the upcoming release of "The Wolfman", Universal is wanting to relaunch all of their "monster classics". For their next project, they will be focusing on "Creature From the Black Lagoon". Ridley Scott's son-in-law, Carl Erik Rinsch, has been attached to direct the film. Rinsch has never had a big film but has just signed on to direct Keanu Reeves in 47 Ronin, which is about a group of samurai who set out to avenge the death of their master. So I'm sure that will be a gem.

I'm not opposed to remakes. I think that some movies actually deserve to be remade, but the problem is most of the remakes are done cheaply because they know the name alone will draw people in and then the movie ends up sucking because there was no real effort put into it.

"How I Spent My Summer Vacation" will be Gibson's next film. He wrote the script and will produce and star in it. Here's the synopsis for the film:

"A career criminal who gets caught by Mexican authorities and is sent to a drug- and crime-filled prison, where he learns how to survive with the help of a 9-year-old boy."

Normally, Gibson's projects are interesting and unique, but this one just sounds boring. I'll wait for his film he is doing with Dicaprio about Vikings.

I came upon this poster yesterday for the film "Frozen" starring Shawn Ashmore and Emma Bell. Here is the brilliant synopsis for the film:

"A typical day on the slopes turns into a chilling nightmare for three snowboarders when they get stranded on the chairlift before their last run. As the ski patrol switches off the night lights, they realize with growing panic that they've been left behind dangling high off the ground with no way down.

With the resort closed until the following weekend and frostbite and hypothermia already setting in, the trio is forced to take desperate measures to escape off the mountain before they freeze to death. Once they make their move, they discover with horror that they have much more to fear than just the frigid cold. As they combat unexpected obstacles, they start to question if their will to survive is strong enough to overcome the worst ways to die?".

So here would be my idea what to do in this "tragic" situation. Take your jacket or your shirt off and zip line or shimmy your way down the cable. Will it take some time due to the chairlifts....yeah, but it could be done in like thirty minutes I'm sure. Plus there will probably be a tree you can reach or some point where there isn't a big fall and in that case you could just snowboard down. Go find someone and tell them, they come and turn the lift back on and you snowboard the rest of the way down.

Maybe it's just me, but that really sounds like a stupid movie.

1 comment:

  1. well that dumbest part doesn't even sound like them getting stuck on the chair lift. The dumbest thing sounds like the "obstacles to come" or whatever.
