Monday, December 28, 2009


Another year has come and gone and even though this year was a better year in film then 2008 was, I am still a little let down and think 2010 will be a lot better. Here are my top 10 best and worst of 2009.



I know a lot of people will disagree with me and that is fine, but I hated every second of this movie. It was a total letdown. I won't get to much into it, since I just put a review up on it, but it was dull, boring, and had a plot so bland I didn't even know what the characters were trying to accomplish.

Michael Bay takes this so so idea for a plot and ruins it by flonting Megan Fox and robotic testicles in our face. I don't know why movie goers were dumb enough to give this movie six hundred million dollars but the film was total crap.


Great cast, cool story, cool trailer. All the right ingredients for a great film right? Well as it turns out, the plot was a lot thinner than it seemed and the film turned out to be a two hour snoozefest. I kept waiting for something funny to happen, something interesting, heck just something at all to happen, but it never did and I was highly disappointed.


Ah, what would a "worst movie list" be without good ol' Nicholas Cage. I have to admit that the movie had some cool ideas, but nowhere near enough to save this disaster of a film. I hate when films just go over the top in impossabilities. Never in a million years would someone sit a coffe cup down on a paper with numbers on it and realize they were "disaster dates". With all the legal and financial trouble he is in, I'm sure we can expect more crap from him in 2010, 2011, 2012, etc.


Now we're getting into the really bad films of 09'. Land of the Lost was not neccesarily a stupid idea in the first place, but the way they went about it was. I think this probably could have been a little better but they ruined it with some of the worst graphics I have ever seen, putting Will Ferrell in it, and then targeting it towards kids when really it shouldn't have been. Every angle of this film was done wrong.


I respect Disney. I always have and here is one reason why. They make a lot of good films, but then like every movie studio, they make a bad one. This was one of those. And sure, Robin Williams and John Travolta, it should be a pretty good, funny flick right? Well Disney saw what a piece of crap this was and did something about it. They started axing pre-production movies like Wild Hogs 2 and the untitled Robin Williams and Anna Faris movie. That was a great move by them even though I didn't think Wild Hogs was that bad, it still don't think it needed a sequel.


When I first saw the trailer for this film, I was really looking forward to it and thought it would be funny. Looking back now, I have no idea why I thought that. I discovered litterally ten minutes into the film that it was going to be a horrible, horrible film. What happened to Jack Black and more importantly, why were all these respectable actors in such a horrible movie.

Now I am going to be honest here. These next three films I didn't even see. But that does not mean they are not the top three worst films of the year. By reputaion alone, I can place them in it.


Dude wakes up from a coma to find out his high school sweetheart is a Playboy model. Well that is a really stupid and pathetic attempt to get a young audience in and here is why. The target audience for this film is going to be 16 year olds and younger. Why, because they want to see it in hopes of some nudity. The problem is, it's rated R so they couldn't get in and any mature male adult knows that it was going to be a pile of crap and women were to disgusted by it to even bother. The marketing genious's behind this one got it all wrong. Not to mention it looked terrible.


Most guys my age were watching Dragonball Z when they were younger. It was a phase it was cool. So I'm sure I am not the only one who wanted to see a good Dragonball film. I'm also sure, I'm not the only one who was pissed off when FOX took a nice little dump on the franchise for making this film. I did see half of this film before I quit watching. They missed on all aspects of the film. The wrong studio picked it up, they had horrible casting for the film, and the script and plot was laughable. What's even more funny is that they actually thought they were going to make enough money to get a sequel out of this crap.


So did they not get the picture the first time with Street Fighter starring Jean- Claude Van Damme. Of course that was a great film compared to what this one looked like. You take stupid character from the game and give her a movie. Then you add on a bunch of no name to lower name actors and throw them in there and that is not how you make a good film. I don't understand why studios don't go,"Ok, so we have no respectable names in this film right? And the script is terrible right? Ok, lets not do this movie then". They could save so much money. The studio knew the movie was so bad that they did little to no marketing for it which is always a disaster.

I tried my best to remember all the films that came out this year. After I posted this I realized I missed films like Dance Flick, C Me Dance, and Fighting. Which were a lot worse than Sherlock Holmes, The Men Who Stare At Goats, and Transformers.

So what do you all consider the worst of 2009?


  1. I agree with pretty much all of these. Year One was probably the worst for me. I would also have to add New Moon, Mall Cop, New in Town, Taken, Jonas Brothers (even though I never watched the whole thing), Transylmania, G Force, and GI Joe.

  2. 10. Taken
    9. Terminator
    8. Halloween 2
    7. 9
    6. Transformers
    5. 2012
    4. Dragonball Z
    3. New Moon
    2. Year One
    1.GI Joe- Hands down the biggest pile I have seen in a while. Horrible acting, horrible story, horrible script, horrible casting, horrible actions sequence, and GOD AWFUL special effects. There was a point when Bon Qui Qui asked me if a scene was supposed to be real or not because it looked like someone was playing a Sega Dreamcast game and just put the game on the screen. This is horrible.

    On a side note, how did Jennifer's Body get left out of Ryan's top 10? He gave it a zero and gave Sherlock Holmes a one. But Holmes made the list and Body didn't.

  3. 2012, Terminator, Halloween, and Friday the 13th were also bad.
