Thursday, September 17, 2009


I did not know that FOX made this film going into it. As soon as the film started and the big 20th Century Fox logo came up I knew it was going to be rough. So what is worse than a movie made by FOX??? A movie made by FOX starring Megan Fox.

Jennifer's Body centers around the two characters Jennifer and Needy. Jennifer of course is the slutty girl who all the guys want, and Needy is the nerdy best friend. The two go to a local bar to see a band play, and after a fire breaks out the band leader, played by the O.C.'s Adam Brody, gets Jennifer to leave with them. The band does a spell that will make them rich and famous that is supposed to performed on a virgin, of course Jennifer is far from that. Since the spell was tainted, it turns Jennifer into a demon possesed killer.

There are so many bad things with this film, I'm not sure where I want to begin. Let's start with Megan Fox. We all know Transformers is bad, she herself said that that was not a movie that she had to act in and she hit the nail on the head because she certainly did not. So I was thinking maybe she would be better in a movie where she was the star. I was wrong. Megan Fox is one of the worst actresses I have seen in a long, long time. I would rather watch these B and C list actors they get for horror movies instead of her. The lead actress in Final Destination 4 had better acting than Fox.

Next we have the writting. Diablo Cody wrote this film and won an Oscar for Best Screenplay for Juno. Apparently she got very, very, lucky because the writting for this film was horrible. It was almost like she was trying to get some catch phrases going like Mean Girls did when it came out. Cody completly missed the whole high school dialouge in this one. I have never rolled my eyes more during a movie than I did listening to these characters speak.

Finally the story itself. I mean ok, there is a demon possesed girl killing guys, thats fine. But she only kills four people and only two of them are cool. There was a lot of wasted scenes in the film. Then once the ending comes it is so anticlimatic. It's just BAM, done. No cool, special ending, not that I was expecting there to be one.

There was one really cool part to the film that they set up like it was going to end up being a big part of the story, but then they did nothing with. The town they live in is called Devil's Kettle named after a waterfall in the town. They spent a whole scene talking about the waterfall and how it just circles down into this hole and no one knows where the water goes. It shows scientists dropping a box full of red rubber balls in and them going down, but that is it. I comes up one more time in the movie but has no real significance. I thought that part was very interesting and it turns out to be a real waterfall that scientists really have done experiments with.

Overall this movie was horrible and I give it a 0 out of 5. Fox does it again.


  1. I have to disagree with you to some extent on this one. I think the fact that it was done by Fox completely taints your view of the film. It isn't great, but it isn't terrible either. It is painfully bland. It is a horror/comedy hybrid of some kind trying to borrow elements from Mean Girls and Ginger Snaps with a Diablo Cody spin, yet somehow missing the best of both movies. I am a fan of Diablo Cody's writing style and enjoyed some of the pithy dialogue and one liners that Cody throws out even if the film's larger themes are lacking. If you want a good teen comedy go see Mean Girls and if you want a good horror movie with great thematic elements go rent Ginger Snaps. This film can't make up it's mind which it wants to be. I give this film a 2.5 out of 5
