Friday, March 19, 2010


Tim Burton will be turning The Addams Family into a stop motion 3D of course. The film will be based of the original comic strip instead of the classic television series or the 1990's films.

I'm really sick of this guy. Can he make something original? Let me guess, Johnny Depp will play the father Gomez and Helena Bonham Carter will play Morticia. I'm not a fan of the stop motion stuff and he is already doing a stop motion Frankenweenie movie which doesn't sound very appealing either.

Jennifer Lopez will be starring in the remake to the 80's film Overboard starring Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. The male role has not been cast yet.

I hate most things having to do with the 80's, but this is one of the films that I actually enjoyed from the 80's. I do not find it necessary to remake this film. I can already tell you that the male lead will be Gerard Butler, I guarantee it. What needs to happen is all of the writers in Hollywood need to be fired until we can find some people who want to do something different besides remaking every movie ever made. I mean I'm for some remakes, but Overboard, really?

Jamie Foxx has signed on to play Lynch for the video game adaptation.

I have never played this game, but Foxx looks nothing like Lynch, for starters he is black. I have no faith in video game adaptations anymore so I have no interest in this project. What I do have interest in is why Foxx doesn't get a better agent. The guy has a very good talent and he makes horrible film choices.

Bryan Singer and producer Lauren Shuller discussed briefly the new First Class film he is currently working on ant the possibilities of him directing a fourth X-Men and Wolverine 2. Here is what they had to say:

"I genuinely like the people, and my personality meshes more with this universe than it does with other universes, I think; I see that now at this point... I feel a connection to the X-Men characters and also the ensemble nature of the films. If you look at 'Usual Suspects'' or my last film, 'Valkyrie,' I feel especially comfortable with ensemble juggling. In the space between all the characters you can disguise a central thought that's hidden in all the discourse. I missed that with the singular relationship story of Superman. And, well, it always gives you something to cut to..."

"Just doing younger mutants is not enough. The story needs to be more than that. I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends -- to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies."

Shuler is also trying to get Singer on board for X4. Here is what he had to say to that:

"Hold that one off for just a little, I'm fixated on the other one right now." She nodded and answered, "I will, I will ... I'm holding it open with high hopes. It's totally different [from 'First Class'] and it will be so interesting for you."

This is all good news as far as I'm concerned. This guy knows what he is doing when it comes to X-Men. I would pay the guy a huge salary and sign him to a huge picture deal with anything X-Men related.

Who cares.

Apparently The Final Destination isn't exactly the final one after all. For some reason these movies make decent enough money to keep getting sequels and as we are seeing with the Saw franchise, that is enough to stretch something way further than it needs to be (isn't it about time for Saw to be remade?).

There are no details except of course it will be in 3D. I could care less about this project, the trailer always gives away how they all die and then at the end they try and make you think they cheated death, but then uh-oh, what a twist they end up dying anyway.

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