Friday, March 19, 2010


With Hollywood all about the unnecessary remakes these days, I was thinking about what movies actually do need remaking. Now remaking a movie as we are learning isn't easy. You can't throw some actors from CW shows at it and expect it to be good. You need to invest some money into the writers first, the cast second and then pray you can find a decent director for it. If this was done more maybe we would get less crap. So here are some films I would like to see remade. Some have video with them, due to the format of my blog a little of the screen is cut off but you can get most of it.

Ok, so I know I'm being a hypocrite because I have bashed some movies that have been remade so quickly, but this is a film that after I watched it, I thought "Man, that could have been an awesome movie under someone else's vision. The one that just came out was good, but it could have had franchise potential if it had been made better.

With today's technology, this franchise could be revisited and improved. Snake is a classic character who most people have never seen. Josh Holloway would be the perfect replacement to Kurt Russell. If the remake went well then maybe they could remake the horrible sequel they did next.

This is one of my favorite 80's horror films. It could have one of the best opening sequences of all time. I'm not sure to this day if they are trying to be serious with the opening or is it supposed to be funny. Either way, I believe a remake could greatly improve the original. Check out the opening scene and decide for yourself what they were going for.

Another 80's classic in my opinion. Roddy Piper and Keith David star in the film where aliens have taken over and disguised themselves as humans. Only special glasses can tell them apart and a secret organization sets out to finally reveal the cover up. They Live also inspipred for you South Park fans the cripple fight between Timmy and Jimmy. I coulndn't find a good version of the South Park fight but here is the original.

This is possibly one of the most disturbing horror films I have ever seen. With all the horror remakes that have been rolling out, I'm surprised they haven't tried to tackle a truly horrific film.

The original starring Paul Newman and Steve McQueen is kind of like Titanic in a building. When a huge skyscraper catches fire on it's opening night, it becomes a race to get out alive. I like disaster movies and if it could be more believable than a Roland Emmerich film and a little better than the Poseidon remake, I think it could be a pretty good flick.

Come on, who wouldn't want a remake of the classic tale of the cute furry creatures who if fed after midnight , if given water, of if exposed to bright light multiply into vicious little creatures.

This has been in limbo for a while now with Darren Aronofsky attached to direct, but I'm not sure if he'll ever get it up and going. If he doesn't, I'm pretty confident that someone else will. This could be a really good new franchise with today's technology and a good cast. Now I don't want it being remade if they aren't going to keep the classic scene where the robot shoots the guy to pieces during the meeting. The director's cut version is one of the most graphic scenes I have seen. Here is the regular version of it.

I'm not a classic western fan so I don't know anything about them, but I do like some of the westerns that are being made today. I really enjoyed 3:10 to Yuma and Tombstone of course, so I would like to see some more westerns coming out.

The 80's film starring Kurt Russell has always been one of my favorite sci-fi films. This is the way sci-fi should be. It's suspensful, it doesn't have a huge, complicated plot and the graphics it had at the time were fantastic. A prequel is in the works right now, and I pray that it's a good companion piece to the original and if it is, hopefully they can get the remake right.

So what do you think, anything you want to see remade?


  1. I hear they are doing a Hellraiser remake that is due out for Halloween next year.

  2. As long as it is dard, sick and twisted like the first three were. I never saw the direct to dvd ones, but what I saw from them wasn't impressive.
