Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Unfortunately, nothing very exciting is coming out today. With September coming up we should have very good selections with the summer movies starting to come out and last seasons televisions series being released. Here's what were stuck with this week.

I liked this movie, but this is one of those movies where it's a good one time watch. I love both Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx, but the movie got boring in some spots and just doesn't have much rewatch potential. If you haven't seen it, rent it, but don't expect it to blow you away.

This movie deserves an Oscar in comparison to what Disney just released in G-Force. Obviously this is a kids movie, but it wasn't half bad. If you have a kid or younger sibling get if for them and check it out. Just don't see G-Force.

This movie did not appeal to me since I have seen movies exactly like this time and time again. I did not check this movie out, but if you like thrillers and Beyonce go for it.

Wow, what can I say about this film. First off, I haven't seen it. This is a direct to dvd release starring Linsay Lohan. Yes, her carreer has taken that big of a hit. Maybe this embarrassment will motivate her to either straighten her life up or kill herself. I would be fine either way. If you want a good laugh, Im sure you will get one and not in the it's actually funny way. If not, stay away from this. Here is a little extra bit of info, Lidsay turned down the Heather Graham role in The Hangover, because she thought the film didn't show any potential. It is now the largest grossing movie with an R rating of all time. Good luck with your career dear.

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