Friday, August 28, 2009


It's finally the end of a not so awesome summer for the movies. There has been some hits and some misses and of course some disagreements, but overall it was not a thrilling summer. So lets talk about the worst of the summer first.


Honorable Mention: Bruno
I loved Borat, but Bruno was in my opinion horrible. Yes, it had a few laughs here and there, but I found myself not believing a lot of what was in the film.

5. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I'm sorry but people want to see the robots. Nobody cares about Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox running around in the desert. More importantly, nobody wants to see two robots acting like a bunch of fifth graders and that are borderline unbearable. The story was horrible, the script was horrible and the Megan Fox scenes were horrible.

4. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
I really like the first film, but this was stupid. It was like they said "Ok, lets see if we can think up a story in 5 minutes" and they did. It wasn't fun, it just seemed like a rushed mess to me.

3. Land of the Lost
I use to be a huge Ferrell fan, but with every new film he makes, it makes me get out of denial more and more. Will Ferrell is no longer funny. It's the same thing every movie and if you don't switch it up it gets old quick. Adam Sandler did the same thing. All of his movies were getting to be the same so he switched his style up. Ferrell might want to think about this.

2. G Force
I don't know what I was expecting, a lot of times I like kids movies especially from Disney, but this was horrible. It was just stupid writing, stupid story, stupid moves for Will Arnett and Zack Galafanakis to be in this.

1. Year One
What happened during the process of making this film? This was by far the worst of the summer. Did these guys honestly think that this slapstick comedy crap was going to be a hit. This movie was on the same level as Disaster Movie, Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans. You would think with the cast it had it could have been a lot better.


Honorable Mention: The Proposal
I really liked this movie. It was funny, had a good story, and the cast was great. It was your typical chick flick, but I really enjoyed this one.

5. District 9
I loved this film, not only because it was a sci-fi film involving aliens, but because it was so original. Hollywood is getting so repetitive in their film making it was nice to see a new spin on a genre. I thought that it was such a great film for a first time director and a first time actor to be apart of. I only wish they would have centered on the aliens a little more because during the middle of the film I got a little tired of Wikus's character.

4. The Hurt Locker
This wasn't a blockbuster with an all-star cast, but this was a well done, excellent, edge of your seat film. I'm a huge fan of military films and this is one of my favorites now. The film was very accurate of what really goes on with the bomb squads of Iraq.

3. Up
Pixar films will probably always be in my top 5 favorite summer films lists. They take the time and put so much detail and care into the story and graphics. You can tell that the people care about how their films turn out and I love it. Pixar films get better with just about every release they have. I loved this film, because even though its a fun kid movie about a flying house and talking animals, in the end it makes you appreciate life and the loved ones around you.

2. The Hangover
We have been really hurting in the comedy section for a while now, but as soon as I saw the trailer for this film I knew it was going to be good. I've been on the Zack Galafanakis bandwagon for almost ten years now, so it's nice to see him finally getting some bigger roles. The movie was fun and hilarious, which is all you need from a comedy.

1. Star Trek
I have never been a Star Trek fan and said I would never get into it, but as soon as I found out J.J. was doing it, I knew I would be hooked. This film has everything you want a summer film to have in it. It's fun, good story, good actors and plenty of action.

So what is there to look forward to next summer? Besides Iron Man 2, apparently not a lot. Here are some of the titles for next summer: Robin Hood, Shrek 4, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Sex and the City 2, Jonah Hex, Toy Story 3, Eclipse, and Predators.


  1. Dude there have been way worse movies than Bruno. Bruno was decent. You thought it was worse than Terminator, Halloween, Final Destination, Angels and Demons, G.I. Joe, and Ice Age 3?

  2. O and Inglorious Basterds, X-Men, 500 Days of Summer and Moon were all better than the Proposal.

  3. I dont count Halloween and FD as summer movies, Inglorious Bastards was the final film of the summer in my opinion and I still haven't seen that. I wans't a fan of X-Men and I liked The Proposal better than Moon and 500 Days of Summer. Put up your top 5's sir.

  4. Five worse:
    Honorable Mention: The Ugly Truth
    4.Land of the Lost
    3.Year One
    2.G.I. Joe

    Five best:
    Honorable Mention: Funny People
    5.District 9
    4.Inglorious Basterds
    3.Star Trek
    2.The Hangover

  5. Eclipse as in the Twilight Eclipse is coming out NEXT summer? Wow talk about hollywood pushing sequels.
