Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I recently watched the reboot of Friday the 13th, and it got me wondering what is the deal with horror movies these days. They are all the same. These days, it's either some kid who is pissed off about something and comes back and kills people, a violent, gory movie about torture that really isn't scary just graphic, a remake, or your typical run away from the killer.

I would like to see a movie that is actually a smart horror film. I'm not saying let everyone live, but when there are five people in the house, don't split up for some stupid reason. I want to see the people working together not running around screaming like an idiot. Also, why is there always one girl and one guy left at the end. Besides the scream trilogy, I'm pretty sure the two main characters who are always a guy and a girl live until the end. That's too predictable. Every once and a while they'll kill someone unexpectedly, but why can't multiple people live? I want to see a smart killer, not someone who just walks around woods with a machete but someone who has real motive and a real plan.

And finally, stop with the cliche ending. The one where the killer is dead, he has been shot five times, stabbed three, has a harpoon sticking through his ear and an ax sticking out of his brain, but amazingly when that last scene rolls around he bust through the window and grabs the girl. I realize it's no fun if you shoot the guy he dies automatically, but come on. I think the horror genre has really lost its step and needs a major reboot.

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