Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This is probably one of the most anticipated movies coming out. The effects are supposed to be groundbreaking, the movie has said to be visually stunning. James Cameron showed 24 minutes of the movie today and did a Q&A afterwards. No one was allowed to take pictures, film, or even have their laptop open during the screening. He did say that August 21 will be Avatar day meaning that the trailer for the movie and video game will debut, and that you will be able to go to any IMAX and watch 15 minutes of the film for free. Cameron has been working on this film for ten years, so I hope that the hype will be justified. The descriptions of the segment shown were all positive and said that it was amazing, so that is a good step.

It was announced today that the script for Wanted 2 was complete and that filming will being in eight weeks. James Mcavoy will return, no other cast was mentioned. I personally enjoyed the first one. It was based off a graphic novel, which some people failed to realize when criticizing it calling it unrealistic. Need we remember that people can't force claws out of their hands either. Anyway, I hope in the next one they introduce some new awesome characters because I felt that a lot of characters were wasted in the first film.

The first look at Denzel Washington's new film The Book Of Eli is now online. The film is a post apocalyptic tale of a man who has to fight to bring the world the knowledge that could be the key to its redmption. This looks very good to me. Kind of a mix between Mad Max and I am legend. The film also stars Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight) and Mila Kunis (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, That 70's Show) who I also like. The trailer can be seen here:

New Pirates Trilogy To Start filming Next Spring
Disney's head of production announced today that they plan on starting production on a new Pirates of the Caribbean next April or May with intent of it being released in 2011. He also said that the studio plans on scaling this one down. This is good news, because I think that the second and third one was to big and the storylines just got to complicated. He also mentioned that they might explore Jack Sparrows origins in this film.

Jonnah Hex Poster Revealed
The poster for the DC Comics adaptation of Jonnah Hex, starring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox.

Google Gets In On Comic-Con
Today Google is going with a super hero themed logo which I thought was pretty cool.

Seth Rogen Unveils Black Beauty
Today Seth Rogen made a suprise appearance at Comic-Con to promote his upcoming movie The Green Hornet by showing off The Black Beauty, the Green Hornet's car. I am really unsure about the movie because A. Seth Rogen is playing a superhero although The Green Hornet doesn't even have powers, and B. The Green Hornet was always a very boring character to me. Also a downer for me is that Nicolas Cage is in talks to be a villain, and he sucks in everything he's in these days.

SAW VI and A Nightmare On Elm Street
Here are early looks at the Saw VI poster and the Nightmare On Elm Street Banner. I'll replace these with better quality ones as they arrive.

Alice In Wonderland Trailer Debuts
The teaser trailer was shown early today for Alice In Wonderland. Overall, it looks like your typically Tim Burton movie nothing really jumped out and impressed me about it. The trailer can be found at using this link:

I'll be updating a ton tomorrow hopefully about a lot cooler stuff.


  1. I'm incredibly excited for Alice in Wonderland despite Charile and the Chocolate Factory and Corpse Bride being disappointing for me.

  2. I wasn't too impressed with the trailer, but I do want to see more, before I hate on it. I'm just ready to see something different from Burton. I'll definately though.
