Friday, July 24, 2009


So I went into this film with low expectations, and for about the first forty-five minutes my expectations were correct. The movie centers around a news producer Abby (Heigel) who when rating begin to fall, is forced to bring on a local cable host, Mike, known for his racist and vulgar remarks (Butler). After meeting the man of her dreams, Mike begins teaching her how to keep him and all the secrets that goes on in men's minds. I'm betting you know where this leads, yep, while teaching her the ways of men, he himself begins to fall for her and I'm sure you can guess the rest. There is nothing special going on here with this movie. It did have some funny parts here and there, but this is the same chick flick movie we've seen time and time again. Now it wasn't horrible to watch or anything, so don't get upset if you get dragged to it. You'll be fine. I guess it's just hard to make a chick flick that isn't predictable. I give it a 3 out of 5.


  1. Okay I couldn't help myself, Ryan, I had to review the movie, too. I blame you for starting this site and me being insanely bored. I like your review and I just wanted to see how I could do on a review. So without further ado, here is my very short review:

    In general, I'm not a fan of this movie genre but The Ugly Truth kept me entertained throughout. Yes it is absolutely formulaic. Yes you can guess exactly how the story will play out based on the trailer. If you're looking for a romantic comedy that breaks the mold then go see 500 Days of Summer. If you are looking for some laughs then The Ugly Truth might be for you.
    The chemistry between Butler and Heigl is palpable. Butler (300 and P.S. I Love You) plays the confident, opinionated man-whore who says what he thinks especially if it can spark controversy. Heigl (Knocked Up and 27 Dresses) plays the uptight, prudish control-freak. Butler is believable as he spouts off untactful truths about relationships and the two sexes and Heigl does a good job reacting and being outraged by Butler. Most of the jokes hit home for me and are reminiscent of a second rate Judd Apatow. The humor is a bit more vulgar earning the film it's "R" rating.
    I think I was looking forward to this movie a lot more than Ryan but I, too, give this film 3 hearts over the crotch out of 5.

  2. I should have given this film 3 bean flicks out of 5, lol.
