Friday, July 24, 2009


With all the big Marvel Comics movies that have come out in the past nine years and all the plans for future films, it has me wondering, where is DC at?
They have the Batman franchise which is an incredible franchise and they finally brought back Superman only for it to fall short at the box office. Now finally we have news that the Green Lantern will finally be moving forward.

So first let me say something about the Superman franchise. What is going on here? There have been five total Superman movies, and none of them were any good in my opinion. I believe that a comic book movie is only as good as its villain. Now I know Lex Luthor is his main rival, and Kevin Spacey is my favorite actor and did a fine job, but what can he do? And Superman IV: The Quest For Peace? Give me a break. The dude is the strongest guy in the world, he can take bullets to the chest, fly, super speed, etc. I want to see Brainiac or even better, Doomsday. Also, I'm sick of the whole "oh here comes the kryptonite but amazingly he gets away from it" bit. Give him a villain worth fighting, PLEASE put some action in it and lets get this franchise rebooted for real this time.

Now what about Aquaman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Flash? These are all good characters who could easily be brought to the big screen. An underwater superhereo movie could be awesome with todays technology.
I love the fact that Marvel is working together to bring all the superheroes we like to the big screen and then interweaving their stories and making The Avengers movie. This is the movie I'm most excited about. How can you not be? And how can DC see what Marvel is doing and sit back and do nothing? The problem with DC is that their villains suck. Get some writers together put them in a room and have them brainstorm about some ideas on getting some cooler villains in the comics or at least up on screen. Do I want to see a Wonder Woman and Flash movie? Of course, but not if there after some boring villain. Ghost Rider's villain sucked therefore the movie sucked, same with Elektra, Daredevil, both Punishers....get my point. A Justice movie could be awesome, you could put The Joker and Lex Luthor in a movie together and boom, total chaos. Marvel is killing DC right now by leaps and bounds. Hopefully Warner Bros. will just make all the DC movies that way we can see a Justice League movie and not have to worry about who owns the right to what characters like Marvel.

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