Thursday, July 30, 2009


I remember first seeing Heigl on a show called Roswell that ran for three years. I thought to myself "she is pretty hot, and I like her on the show. I hope she gets big". Well here comes Grey's Anatomy in 2005 and she is one of the stars of the show. Up until then, no one really had heard of Heigl and to make it big is hard to do in Hollywood. Well, once she became a big star is when I stopped liking her and started hating her. In every interview she did she came off rude. In every article she gave she would kick someone down from the show for not getting her enough screen time, not liking where they took her character for the season.

So she ends up winning an Emmy for this, as she describes, horrible show she's on and what does she do? Instead of thanking people from the show and people who helped her out, she gets up their and talks about how she deserves it and that she has worked her ass off since she was little to get here. Oh, and she thanked her mom. How nice. Then there was that thing where T.R. Knight came out and said he was gay and Isaiah Washington called him a fag. Well she was behind that whole thing blowing up too. So finally her new movie, The Ugly Truth, is out and she goes on Letterman to promote it. Instead of talking about the film, she bashes the staff of Grey's Anatomy for making her work a 17 hour day and that she is going to keep talking about it because she hopes it embarrasses them. Then she talks about how she is still unhappy about where they have taken her character. Well Ken Levin, one of the show's producers wrote on his blog why exactly they had to make poor Mrs. Heigl shoot a 17 hour day. Here is what he said:

"Poor Katherine Heigl. What she neglected to add was this: This "cruel" shooting schedule was only to accommodate HER and her needs. The producers graciously shuffled things around so she could go off and do promotion for her new film. Also, with union rules, the producers had to pay a ton of overtime and penalties to make this happen. The thanks they get is Katherine Heigl going on national television hoping to embarrass them.
This is an extreme case of chutzpah, but it's not uncommon that when shows become big hits cast members become much in demand. They're offered movie parts, plays, free cruises, you name it. All of a sudden, the show that launched their success is now sort of an imposition. [...] So producers are put in the sticky position of either denying them these outside projects or moving heaven and earth to accommodate them -- as if it's easy to complete principal photography on a normal schedule. (This is of course irrelevant to Katherine the Ingrate who only thinks of herself)."

So there you have the true side of Kathrine Heigl. I hope all of her movies fail and that she is killed a horrible and unexpected death on Grey's Anatomy and her career takes a nose dive.


  1. She also bashed Judd Apatow after the release of Knocked Up by saying that she didn't enjoy the movie because she found it sexist. She said this to multiple magazines and continues to bash Apatow(the guy who cast her in his movie) in about every interview she gets. Sooner or later she will piss the wrong person off and her career will be over.

  2. Nice point. I forgot about all of that. I hate her.

  3. She should date Christian Bale and they can be a couple of douches together and have really pretty, douchy babies.

  4. She has recently gotten married, but I hope he divorces her and takes all of her "well deserved" money.
