Monday, July 20, 2009


With the summer movie's coming to a close it has me looking forward to next summer. I think overall this summer has been pretty pathetic movie wise. Here are my top 10 movie sequels I'm wanting to see.

Honorable Mention: Another Matrix Movie
The first Matrix was groundbreaking. The second one was so so, it left me ready for the final showdown. Well, the final showdown came and it was god awful, probably one of the most unsatisfying sequels and endings to a movie I can remember. With Speed Racer tanking and Ninja Assassin not looking very good, they might want to consider going back and trying to fix what went so wrong in these sequels.

10. Indiana Jones 5
There were several people who hated the fourth Indiana Jones. Now, while I didn't hate it, I thought there were several things that were less than par with it. I would love to see another one made, but George Lucas can't put in all his special effects crap, thats not what Indy is about. I loved the first 45 minutes of it with the whole Area 51 and him being on the autopsy committee. There needs to be more problem solving and puzzles, throw in some cameos, NO MORE SWINGING WITH MONKEYS, and let George Lucas do as little as possible.

9. Sin City 2
Where is this movie??? It's been almost five years since this came out and I keep hearing Robert Rodriguez is working on it and that Johnny Deep is going to be in it and Angelina Jolie is going to be in it and then it disappears off the earth for nine more months before any new news surfaces.

8. Transformers 3
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen left a very bitter taste in my mouth, but I think if they tweak a few things, it could have potential. First is new director, we get it, Bay likes to blow stuff up and is good at it but explosions only go so far. There are plenty of good action directors out there who could take this franchise over. Next, LESS MEGAN FOX!!!!! We get it, she is hot but what else does she really offer. I would rather see a better story plot with more Autobots and less of her running around in Egypt with pants and fur boots on in the hot heat. And of course the robots. Maybe I'm crazy, but I would rather watch the cool robots like Optimus, Ironhide, and Rachet instead of those stupid twin robots who were NOT funny and bordered on line of Jar Jar Binks annoying.

7. Mission Impossible 4
I was very excited a few weeks ago that they are going ahead with a fourth Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise. I thought the last one was awesome, but busted at the box office because Cruise lost his mind everytime he was infront of a camera it seemed. These movies are fun because they always bring in new gadgets and cool agents. They just better tell us what the "rabbits foot" was from the third movie.

6. Spider-Man 4
Yes, Spider-Man 3 looked so, so awesome and sucked so so hard. But from what I've been reading Sony pretty much took all power from Sam Raimi and made him make the movie they wanted. Now Raimi is saying that he is in control of the fourth and fifth one. Hopefully they will go back to one villan that worked so well for the first two films and replace Kirsten Dunst, man she is horrible. I'm betting on the lizard for the villan in the fourth.

5. X-Men 4
So Bryan Singer did the first two X-Men, and they were great. Then FOX, who is the worst studio on planet earth got the bright idea to hire BRETT RATNER who had done the Rush Hour movies and Money Talks for the third. Great idea FOX. So Ratner goes on a killing spree and eliminates a bunch of characters and pretty much destroys hope for a fourth film. Well, Wolverine came out and it was ok. Me personally, I do not want to watch a bunch of origin movies or a buch of teenage mutants. I want to see the X-Men. So Fox needs to stop making crap and get their heads out of their butts and start making good movies again. There are hundreds of posabilities for the X-Men franchise. I personally would like to see Apocalypse brought in along with Cable and Bishop. And for the love of God give Gambit some screen time.

4. Star Trek 2
I have never been a Star Trek fan, it has never interested me and I have never thought any of the characters were that interesting. Well J.J. Abrams comes along and makes a movie so fun and made the characters so enjoyable that I can't wait for another Star Trek. I have to say this movie was by far the most fun and enjoyable for me this summer so far and with everything almost out I'm guessing it will remain that way.

3. Batman 3
So obviously this movie would be near the top. The Dark Knight was incredible, no doubt aobut it. The problem is that it was too good so now anything less will be considered a flop. It is truly tragic that Heath Ledger passed because Christopher Nolan had more plans for the Joker in the third film. Now rumors are going around he may not return at all. Now Warner Brothers are smarter than FOX so I'm guessing they will go after someone similar to Nolan like a David Fincher type director. As for the villans of course people keep saying they want Deep as The Riddler, but I say why not let him have a shot at the Joker. I mean it's sad Ledger's gone, but the character shouldn't just go away because the guy who played him is gone.

2. The X-Files 3
Have I mentioned how much I hate FOX. Well thanks to them they pretty much destroyed my beloved X-Files franchise with the poor excuse of a sequel they released last summer. Now as much as I hate FOX I wont put the blame all on them. Chris Carter, you suck too. Hard. But, there is hope for the franchise still, the studio head said that if they wanted to do another one they could. But with as poor as the last one performed, I'm afraid the budget wouldn't get it to the quality it needs to be. If this does happen it needs a story line from the series. They need to be back in the F.B.I. and it needs to be more fan pleasing, just not a cameo by Agent Skinner.

1. Iron Man 2
I loved everything about the first movie. Normally I say that a superhero movie will only be as good as the villan who is in it, but Jon Favreau made this movie work with a villan who wasn't that cool. Robert Downey Jr. plays Tony Stark perfectly having addiction problems in his own past which helps him connect to the character. The rest of the cast was brilliantly cast and they did it again for the sequel. I think that Mickey Rourke will go to an A list actor after his performance in The Wresther and then scoring a big budget film like this. I'm also anxious to see what they do with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and if they tie this movie to Thor, Hulk, or Captain America.

So what's everyone else looking forward to...........National Treasure 3 perhaps..... I know I am!!!!!!!!


  1. I like you Depp/Joker idea. But I also like the idea of the Riddler. Maybe they could use Daniel Day Lewis as the Riddler...?

  2. Yes, I said that walking out of the theatre when I first saw The Dark Knight, Daniel Day Lewis for Riddler, Phillip Seymour Hoffman would be a good Penguin and Johnny Depp for Joker. This would make a good blog.....

  3. Of all of your sequels, I only want to see Dark Knight, Star Trek, and a good X-MEN movie.

    O and who could forget about a third National Treasure?

  4. I think that Spider-Man will bounce back. He won't let the new one be a disappointment. He'll simplify it and not have so much going on like the third.
