Friday, July 24, 2009


There are a lot more options to choose from this week depending on your taste in movies or tv shows.

This series is probably the most underrated and best show most people have never seen. Every person I have let watch this show has ended up loving it, even females. I think what turns people away is the name of the show. It does sound nerdy, but this show is full of action, the writing is one of the best, and you connect with the characters, who by the way are all awesome. If you have never watched Battlestar Galactica I highly, highly recommend this.

I think they really blew it with this film. It was too unrealistic, with a very weak story. I actually enjoyed the first and third films, but Paul Walker is just about unbareable to watch in my opinion and racing sequences have gotten dull and boring. I know this film is for some people, so go for it.

I'm very suprised that this series actually lasted it's first season, since FOX is horrible about pulling the plug on shows before they even get off the ground. I never got a chance to check this show out mainly because it is on Friday nights but I hear that it is very good so check it out, it should be pretty cheap because there wasn't many episodes in the first season.

Well, here we have another example of how FOX is horrible and ruins everything they touch. This could have been a decent film if they would have gone after better writers, a better director, and I would have picked a different cast. Instead they make this cheesy film with horrible writting, acting, and effects and ruined any chance of a good franchise for these films. I do not recommend wasting your money for this one.

What do you know, two horrible films made by the same horrible company (FOX) in the same week. If your between the ages of twelve and fifteen, then your probably going to want to get your hands on this one. But, if your an adult you hopefully can see that a movie about a playboy model and a bunch of not funny crude jokes is a stupid premise for a movie. Once again, stay clear of this one.

Our final dvd pick of the week, is a direct to dvd film starring Nicolas Cage. I remember seeing the trailer for this and thinking "Wow, this movie looks really horrible", and apparently Lions Gate did too, because they skipped the theatres and sent it straight to dvd. Basically, Cage plays a bad cop with drug, attitude, sex, and moral problems. If the studio passed on it, I would too.

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