Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I was talking to a friend about what actors would make good villains for the next Batman movie and I thought, hey that would make a good blog topic. So here's who I think should be lined up to play what villains.

The guy is kind of a below the radar actor, but is great and like Johnny Depp does a wide range of movies. He won an Oscar for Capote, and was an awesome villain in Mission Impossible 3, so I think he has enough credentials for the part.

Now this guy is another person who can play any role. He has been nominated for four Oscars and won two of them. After watching There Will Be Blood, I thought, man this guy has a real creepy/funny side which would be great for The Riddler.


I pick Adams simply because I love her in anything she is in, and would make a beautiful Poison Ivy. My only concern, would be that these are dark films and the villains have to be able to get into a dark mindset. So for back up I would pick Tilda Swinton who is the exact opposite of McAdams. She could get into the dark mindset with no problem and has recently won an Oscar. I would much rather look at McAdams for two hours though.

He is a little old, but Mr. Freeze always looked a little old as well. Once again, Malcovich has been nominated for two Oscars, he already has the bald head going for him and has already played several creepy villains before.

We could throw around names all day for this role, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Kate Beckinsale, Halle Berry etc. Just kidding on that last one. Anyway, I think Hathaway would be a good choice. She is beautiful, but not in the flashy kind like Jolie and Johansson. She wouldn't just be in a Catwoman suit, but she would be Selena Kyle in the movie which is a big storyline with Bruce Wayne and I don't think these films need the whole "sexy actress" like Iron Man and other comic franchises can pull off. Oh and once again, she too has been nominated for an Oscar.

It is tragic that Heath Ledger passed away, but you can't leave Batman's biggest nemesis out of the movies because the guy who played him (and did it amazingly) passed away. A lot of people want to see him as The Riddler, and I would be fine with that too, but why not just give him the part of The Joker. They could easily have him change up his appearance a little in Arkham or just recast him and not tie it in to the story and hope that viewers realize that it had to be done and accept it. We all know Depp is capable of playing the dark villian roles and or course has been nominated for three Oscars.

A few more villains I wouldn't mind seeing would be Killer Croc and Clayface. Christopher Nolan has said that he doesn't want to do villains like these and Mr. Freeze because they are too cartoonish. Eventually you have to give these characters another shot. People want to see Batman movies, and they aren't going to want to see the same old villains and/or mob boss stories over and over. Just because Joel Shumacher ruined his movies doesn't mean someone else will also. Plus, it's going around that Nolan may not be back so hopefully the next director will be a little more brave. But it has to be the right guy.

So who do you think could fit the parts?


  1. I agree. I love McAdams but like you said the movie is way to dark for her. Tilda Swinton would be a great choice as well. I also think that Cate Blanchett would be another excellent choice. She has already won an Oscar and also has been nominated for 3 more. She seems like she can play about any kind of role as well.

    I again agree with you. I think Johnny Depp would make a excellent Riddler or Joker. Like you said, I think Depp would be better to play the Joker though.

    I also think that if they were ever to want to cast the character Harley Quinn that Helena Bonham Carter would be a great choice for the role. Not to mention if Depp was the Joker the two could put on yet another great performance together. Even if Depp wasn't the Joker Carter could still do a fantastic job all by herself. She's the perfect person to be in a "dark" type movie. She proves that well by being in most of Tim Burton's movies. She has also been nominated for an Oscar before as well.

  2. Good points. There are a lot of good options out there. Paul Bettany or Guy Pearce would make good Riddlers but Day-Lewis would be awesome. Warner Brothers needs to get on the ball with it. Atleast get a yay or nay from Nolan as to whether he is coming back.

  3. I think Jackie Earl Haley would be a good riddler. Louis Anderson could be Clayface. And Nick Cannon could be Killer Croc.

  4. But honestly, I think that Patrick Wilson (Nite Owl II) would make a good Killer Croc if they were going to make that character.

  5. Okay here's my two cents. I think Philip Seymour Hoffman would be awesome for the Penguin and I'd also like to nominate Melissa Creswell and that guy who used to work usher at East Town, Matt Harden, or something like that.
    Tilda Swinton would be the perfect Poison Ivy. While I would love to look at McAdams I'm not yet convinced she has the acting chops for that role.
    Again, Daniel Day Lewis would be perfect for the Riddler and Depp could pull the Joker but I'm not sure that he should.
    The only place I disagree with you is Catwoman. All of those ladies would be attractive and look good in the suit except Anne Hathaway. As I've said before she looks like a mouse and for someone who gets alot of credit for her acting I've not liked her in anything she's ever done. She was boring in Rachel Getting Married and not nuanced enough for Havoc. She was alright for her brief part in Brokeback Mountain but let's face it, she is remembered more in that movie for being topless. I think Catwoman would be a tough role to nail. My favorite for Catwoman would probably be Kiera Knightley.
    I think seeing some of the more "cartoonish" villians would be awesome if they could tweak them into being less cartoonish. I thought it would be impossible to pull off Scarecrow for the same reason but they did a magnificent job with him.

  6. I love Anne Hathaway so obviously I'm going to disagree, but I don't see Kiera Knightley as catwoman. I think its the same with Rachel McAdams, she would be ideal but coulnd't pull it off with what these films aim for.
