Monday, November 23, 2009


New Moon is the continuation of the story between Bella, Edward and Jacob. In this film, Bella is attacked by Edward's brother at her birthday party, causing Edward to leave so that he can protect Bella from harm. With Edward gone, Jacob swoops in and tries to be the guy for her. Bella finds out he is a werewolf and that him and his "pack" are protecting Bella from whatever the bad girl's vampire name was in the first film. Bella decides to cliff dive, and makes Alice, Edwards sister who can see visions of things, think that she committed suicide. Edward doesn't want to live in a world with out her and heads to Italy to expose himself to the world as a vampire, so the Vultori, an ancient group of vampires, will kill him. Bella and Alice then go to Italy to stop him, leaving Jacob alone and pissed.

For all the hype this film is getting, breaking The Dark Knight's opening record for instance, I do not get what the hype was all about. I get that it is a chick flick and it's aimed for girls, but I have seen several chick flicks that were better than this.

My main problem is with Taylor Lautner, who plays Jacob. You may, but probably won't, recognize him as the kid from Shark Boy and Lava Girl. Sure the guy is buff, but he could not pull off the bad boy, werewolf part in my opinion. He is seventeen, but still has the voice of a thirteen year old and his tough guy act just was not convincing.

With all this being said, the movie itself isn't horrible, it just doesn't come anywhere close to they hype around it. I was expecting a whole lot more from it, and all I got was two hours of Bella whining about what boy she likes and Jacob whining that Bella won't make up her mind. I'll give it a three out of five.

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